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Ricky | Treasurer

Ricky is our club treasurer and go to funny guy. He always tries to make you laugh, even when you don't feel like laughing. He's extremely lovable- maybe a little too much but is great at his job. If theres no one else to do a job you know you can go to Ricky and he'll try his hardest to get it done. 

Why did you want to be an officer?

  • I felt like I could contribute more if I used my mind rather than my looks. I wanted to be an officer to help keep order and help bring the bigger picture together. 

What is your favorite club activity that we've done?

  •  My favorite club activity that we've done so far is the Valentine's Day event where everyone made some special for that one special person.

What is your favorite thing about the club?

  • My favorite thing about the fashion club is seeing all the bright happy faces that no one gets to appreciate during school. In the club you get to appreciate everyone for who they are.

How would you describe the club and its people?

  • The fashion club is a very unique and diverse club. We all stretch out views about things and open our minds to new cultures and religion and we all become one big family.

What is one thing you want to make sure happens next year?

  • Next year I'd like to see more new pretty faces attending the club.

Officer Quote(s):

  • "If you save everything till the last minute then it'll only take a minute"
  • "You can always retake a class but you can never relive a party"

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